Tapestry of My Life

My grandmother made this plaque, “Tapestry of My Life,” many years ago, and I always liked reading it as a reminder that God is working in every moment of our lives, no matter how big or small. “I wonder what the other side will be, when I have finished weaving all my thread. I do not know the pattern nor the end of this great piece of work which is for me. I only know that I must weave with care the colors that are given me day by day, and make of them a fabric firm and true, which will be of service for my fellow man. Sometimes these colors are so dark and grey I doubt if there will be one line or trace of beauty there. But all at once there comes a thread of gold or rose so deep that there will always be that one bright spot to cherish or to keep and maybe against its strand of darkest hue it will be beautiful. The way is held in place by the Master’s hand. The Master’s mind made the design for me; if I but weave the shuttle to and fro and blend the colors just the best I know, perhaps when it is finished, He will say, Tis Good, and lay it on the footstool of His Heart.”

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